Fishing License and Fishing Rules in the area
1 Day – 100 SEK ( buy online ➡️)
3 Days – 250 SEK (buy online ➡️)
1 Week – 500 SEK (buy online ➡️)
1 Year Card – 800 SEK (buy online ➡️)
1 Year Card for Spouse* – 400 SEK ( buy online ➡️)
*1 Year Card 800 kr + 400 SEK for accompanying spouse/cohabitant/adult child ( 16-20 years old)
General rules for all places in the Area: The fisherman is obliged to read thoroughly and follow the regulations. The fishing license must be presented on request. Only one card and one fishing rod per person during the day. Children under age of 16 years are allowed to fish for free in the company of an adult.
- Sport fishing from an own boat / float is only allowed in the Lake of Storsjön. Fishing with net is prohibited.
- Minimum dimensions: For trout, char and grayling 35 cm! Exceptions for brook trout in the smaller streams such as Lillån, Storån upstream of Ålderövallen, Bottenbäcken.
- Catch restrictions: In lakes / ponds, 3 fishes / day / per person. Applies to trout, char and grayling in all waters except Lake Storsjön. In flowing water window sockets, 35 cm – 45 cm and 3 fishes / day / per person, apply for trout and grayling below 35 cm and above 45 cm must be put back.
- Only Fly Fishing: Sölvbackadammen – Björnhån, Östhenån, Skärkån – also the stream between Upper and Lower Dalsjön, window socket 35 – 45 cm and 3 fishes / day / per person. Window socket means that all trout and grayling under 35 cm and over 45 cm must be put back.
- Fishing prohibition: Sölvbackadammen – 190 m downstream. Wormmet ban from Sölvbackadammen downstream to Björnhån.
- Play fishing ban: 15/5 – 15/6, Harrlek in Storån and Skärkån 200 m downstream of the outlet in Oshån and between lower and upper Dalsjön.
- 15/9 – 31/10, trout game in Svantjärn, Björhåbergstjärn, S: a Grävingstjärn, Western and Central Rotsjöarna, Rörtjärn, Holmtjärn.
- 1/9 – 15/11 – Trout game in flowing water and 200 m from inlet and outlet. Only fly fishing for grayling is allowed in flowing water during the game ban period.
- Mashing is forbidden!
- Fishing prohibition in flowing water, when the water temperature exceeds +19 degrees Celsius. For more information (about the location), contact Storsjö fishcamping. Phone: +46 (0) 687-211 22.